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7月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

Book review30

I read "DIRK BONES and the Mystery of the Haunted House" What could be haunting a couple of ghosts? Find out as ace reporter Dirk Bones uncovers the clues! It was interesting that ghosts was afraid of srange sound. I was surprised that the sound was vampire. Please read it! Vocabulary haunted:幽霊のよく出る、何かにとりつかれたような howled:ヒューヒューうなる Reference Doug,C(2006) DIRK BONES and the Myteryof the Haunted House/China

Book review29

I read "DIARY OF A WORM Teacher's Pet" Worm loves his teacher Mrs.Mulch. She's the best teacher Worm has ever had---and a great teacher deserves a great present! But what can Worm give her. I though that classmates was very kind to tryto give their teacher birthday present. He must have been pleased. Please read it! Vocabulary dig:掘る mold:型にいれてつくる Reference Lori,H(2013) DIARY OF A WORM Teacher's Pet/the United State of America

Book review28

I read "The Trouble with Germs" Sid's dad has a cold. He is sneezing. His nose is runny. But how come Sid has to keep washing his hands, if his dad is the one who's sick? I found that there were many Germs. So I have to sneeze into my arms to stop germs from spreading around. Please read it!   Reference Jennifer,F(2010) The Trouble with Germs/The Jim Henson Company

Book review27

I read "STUART LITTLE Stuart at the Library" When Stuart Little meets Bookworm, the library owl, it's clear that friendship is not what's on Bookworm's fast, or he's going to be Bookworm's next meal! At first, Bookworm said Stuart not to eat, but Bookworm tried to eat Stuart. I thought that Stuart was good mouse because he tell Book worm about book though he was almost eaten. Please read it!   Reference Susan,H(2001) STUART LITTLE Stuart at the Library/Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc

Book review26

I read "STUART LITTLE Stuart at the Fun House" Stuart Little and his brother, George, can't wait to go to the amusement park. But if you're Stuart's size, how do you keep up with your big brother? By visiting the fun house, of course! George tried to find rides for Stuart. It was good that George pick a ride Stuart finally. Please read it! Vocabulary wobbly:ふらつく、ぐらつく wiggly:揺れ動く Reference Susan,H(2001) STUART LITTLE Stuart at the Fun House/Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc

Book review25

I read "STUART LITTLE Stuart Hides Out" If you were a mouse, would you play hide-and-seek with a cat? Stuart Little does! But when Stuart hides too well, will the cat find him- before it's too late? I thought that the cat was actually very kind to help a mouse. I want them to be a good friend. Please read it! Vocabulary hide-and-seek:かくれんぼ stuck:抜け出せない Reference Susan,H(2001) STUART LITTLE Stuart Hides Out/Columbia Pictures Industries

Book review24

I read "STUART LITTLE". Let's play hide and seek! If you were a mouse, would you play hide-and-seek with a cat? Stuart Little does! But when Stuart hides too well, will the cat find him--before it's too late? I didn't have an image that mouse get along with cat. But They were friendly in story. It was good to be help Stuart by Snowbell. Vocabulary edge:縁、かど pounce(on):すばやく捕まえる Reference Susan,H(2001) STUART LITTLE/Columbia Pictures Industries

Book review23

I read "Betty's secret". Sometimes it was Betty with blonde hair and Fiona with red hair. Sometimes it was Fiona with blonde hair and Betty with red hair. Nobody in the crowd at the sports center ever noticed. I thought that Betty was egocentricity. If  I were Fiona, I wouldn't excuse Betty. I want them to get along. Vocabulary wicked:悪い、不道徳な fist:握りこぶし tidy:整頓する Reference John,C(1998) Betty's secret/Oxford University Press

How's going on?

I'm going to talk about my holidays. Last Sunday, there was a festival in my home town. I went to help a stall. We sold chiffon cake and muffin. It was very hot and there were many people. I ate 'Hashimaki' 'Sumibiyaki'. I had nice time.  

Book review22

I read "Viking Adventure". The children find themselves on a long ship at the start of a Viking adventure. Can they save the Viking village when raiders attack? I thought that viking adventure seemed fun. It was good that the children help villagers by torch. Vocabulary shield:鎧装 row:並び torch:たいまつ、懐中電灯 oar:オール、こぎ手 Reference Roderick,H(1990) Viking adventure/Oxford University Press

Book review21

I read "A Day in London". When Gran takes the children on a visit to London, things don't go quite as Gran planned! I thought that the children's grandmother was very funky. If I had grandmother like her, I would have fun. Vocabulary ornament : 装備品 parcel : 包み tube : (ロンドンの)地下鉄 squeeze : 強く押す Reference Roderick,H(1990) A Day in London/Oxford University Press

Book review20

I read "Save Floppy". Floppy is left behind on a magic adventure. How can Biff and Chip go back, and can they save him from the Evil Genie? This story was a sequel of "The Evil Genie".It was good to be rescued Floppy by Biff and Chip. I was very excited because this story was very adventurous. Vocabulary mend : 修理する gully : 小峡谷 gush : どくどく流れ出る Reference Roderick,H(2001) Save Floppy/Oxford University Press

Book review19

I read "Egyptian Adventure". Nadim's model book leads to an adventure in Ancient Egypt. Floppy is mistaken for an important dog, and the children have to help make a pyramid. I have never thought that Floppy was important dog in Ancient. It was interesting that a sphinx seemed to Floppy. Please read it! Vocabulary sort : 種類 glue : (人と人を)結びつける力 fuss : 大騒ぎ sneez : くしゃみ slave : 奴隷 Reference Roderick,H(2001)Egyptian Adventure/Oxford University

Book review18

I read "The Evil Genie". Biff grows an apple in a bottle. But what is in the bottle she finds on a magic adventure. And what happens when she pulls out the cork? I was surprised that floppy was caught by a bird which is Genie. I want to read a next story. Please read it! Vocabulary groan:うめく、うなる moan:(groanより程度が弱い)うめき声 snarl:(犬などが)歯をむいてうなる Reference Roderick,H(2001) The Evil Genie/Oxford University

Book review17

I read "a bug's life". A bug's life is difficult. Every day the ants have to find food. The grasshoppers come and take the food. They are tired but Flik has an idea ... they can fight the grasshoppers. But grasshoppers are bigger than ants! Can Flik find some friends to help them? Can they work together to fight the grasshoppers? I thought that though Flik made a mistake, he was very kind and clever. His idea saved Ants island! He worked good. Please read it!    Vocabulary bug:昆虫 Reference Marie,C(2012) a bug's life/China

Book review16

I read "chicken little". When the sky fell on Chicken Little the people listen to him. When aliens came the people did not listen him. Now, Chicken Little needs to save them from the aliens. Will his father listen to the truth? Can Chicken Little save the town? Chicken Little that tried to tell people dangerous things were cute. Finally, it was good to be believe by them. Please read it! vocabulary acorn:ドングリ Reference Marie,C(2012) chicken little/China

Book review15

I read "Peter Pan Comes to London" Wendy, John, and Michael live in London. They live in a big house. Peter Pan and Tinker Bell live in Neverland. They go to London and fly in to the house. Who is Peter Pan? Who is Tinker Bell? And what is Neverland? I want to see Peter pan and Tinker Bell, and go to Neverland. Michael was very very cute! Please read it! Reference Nicola,S(2012) Peter Pan Comes to London(China)

Book review14

I read "The Little Mermaid Ariel and the Prince" Ariel is a mermaid. She loves human things. One day Ariel sees a boat ... and a prince on the boat. Suddenly there is a storm. Can Ariel help the Prince? If there is a mermaid world, I think it would fun.This story was very interesting and I saw this movie. Songs were very nice. Reference Kathryn,H(2012) The Little Mermaid Ariel and the Prince(China)

Book review13

I read "Snow White and the seven dwarfs" one, two, three, four, five, six, seven little dwarfs live in the house. All the Dwarfs love Snow White. The Queen is angry. She makes a poisoned apple for Snow White. Dose Snow White eat the apple? I thought that the Queen is very frightening, a person who do everything to her. I want to be a kind person like a Snow White. Please read it! Reference Kathryn,H(2012) Snow White and seven dwarfs(China)

Book review12

I read "Val's Diary". I felt so humiliated and angry I'm sure my face was every colour under the sun.Luke probably thought I was some sort of extraterrestrial. It's all my father's fault. Calling me a little girl! In front of the most handsome boy in the whole world. What a disaster! I feel so humiliated. Mum made friends with Luke's mother. Her name's Sarah. She invited us to their house for dinner one night soon. Wow! I can't wait! Life in countryside boring Val but after Val met with a handsome boy, she became be full of life.I think that life in countryside is good. Vocabulary beetroot:ビートの根 humiliate:恥をかかせる invitation:招待 ridiculous:ばかげた

How's it going?

Hi, everyone, how are things? I went to Osaka with my friend on July,15,16,17. Because there is "SM TOWN LIVE in Kyousera Dome" which my favorite artist appeared. I joined two days. I was very excited! Also, I went to Turuhashi, Shinnsaibashi, Dotonbori and Umeda. It was very very nice trip!

Book review11

I read 'Ancient Greeks' The Olympic Games began in Olympia, in ancient Greece.They were made up of many sports.They still exist today. I didn't know that Olympic have held since ancient Greece.In At the time, There were many events that seem today. I surprised that rich women had earrings made from gold,the Greeks loved to have big feasts. It is good to know about ancient.And it is very interesting, so I want to know more. Please read it! Vocabulary ・feast:祝宴、大宴会 ・slave:奴隷 ・hurl:~を強くほうる、投げつける ・worship:崇拝、礼拝 Reference Stephanie,T(2007)Ancient Greeks(Usborne Beginners)

What's going on?

I'm going to talk about Spark!! which is the dance event. I join the dance circle in this University. I have practiced very hard and enjoyed my friend. We had a first dance event on July,1. I was very nerves but  I could enjoy dancing. I had nice time!