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10月, 2017の投稿を表示しています

Amelia Bedelia

I read "Amelia Bedelia". Amelia Bedelia is main character, work in Mr. and Mrs. Rogers grand house. They made a list what she have to do. She tried to do things that written in list, but she did strange things though she isn't fool. I think interesting that she cut off their towel though the list written 'change the towel'. It is good that she was forgiven for her mistakes. Peggy Parish,(1963).Amelia Bedelia.Harper Collins Publishers


 That was when Lucy discovered Narnia-a magical land full of snow and different, wonderfull creatures!(p.8)     I have watched this movie, and I like this series. This book is much shorter than movie which I have watched. There are four main character, they are peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. It was Lucy that I was impressed in this story. Becuse she went into the mysterious world without fear. First, her brothers and sister didn't believe but they fought with corporateing each other finary. I think that they are close, kind and brotherly thought. Jennifer Frantz, (2005). NARNIA. C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Book reviews


I read ''DANNY AND THE DINOSAUR''. Danny's on the town with a real live dinosaur. From the ballpark to the zoo, these two are having one hundred million years of fun all in one day! I'm surprised that the dinosaur was speaking. Danny seemed to fun to play with Dinosaur. I would like to play with kind Dinosaur, too. Please read it!