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1月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

Give us the Money

I want you to be a bank robber!(p.24) This book is like a Manga, so it is easy to read and interesting. His life is the same. Nothing exciting ever happens to him. But Because he helped a beautiful young woman his life changed. Although it is bad things. I think that  I want to do something different from everyday. Please read it! Maeve Clarke(2001).Give us the Money,Oxford University Press

Dangeroud Juourney

'I feel better now!' said Leon. 'But I need a drink.' 'Water?' asked Manuel. 'No, not water,' replied Leon. 'I don't want to see water again - not for a long time!' And they all laughed.(p.31) Four men trapped in the forest. Heavy rain has turned the tracks into mud. The bridge and at the rushing water. Pedro and Leon were not good relationship, but they tried to across the river that has broken bridge together and their relationship become better. It is good that they can saved themselves. I don't want to do this dangerous journey. Alwyn Cox(1976),Dangerous Journey. Macmillan Education